by Elder Wewo Kotokay, Melanesian Conservation Elders, Inc. The relationship between NGOs and indigenous customary leadership, values, and systems is complex and often fraught with…
Melanesian Conservation Elders play a crucial role in promoting the Melanesian Way Conservation approach
by Elder Wewo Kotokay, Melanesian Conservation Elders Inc. Melanesian Conservation Elders play a crucial role in promoting the Melanesian Way Conservation approach, which emphasizes sustainable…
How to Reduce Overly Reliant on Foreign Funding? Comments on Conservation NGOs in Melanesia
Many NGOs are overly reliant on foreign funding because developing countries often lack a robust domestic philanthropic culture, making it difficult for local NGOs to…
Melanesian Conservation Elders serving as guardians of traditional values
Introduction: Melanesian Elders have long been respected figures within their communities, serving as guardians of traditional and values. However, in recent years, they have faced…

Wewo Kotokay: Why Melanesian Conservation Elders Needed Today?
In the vast and biodiverse region of Melanesia, traditional knowledge and cultural values have long played a crucial role in the preservation of natural environment.…
Hello world! Hello Melanesia!
This is Wewo Kotokay Speaking, to all my fellow Melanesians, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, children and grandchildren. I am speaking to all ancestors…